Caduceus Wound Coil

Time Travel Caduceus Coil

2The early sonic resonator built in 1981 did not have a caduceus coil. It was upgraded and also the witness well and rubbing plate were added. Actually the caduceus coil is right under the rubbing plate.

21' gauge copper magnet wire with an enamel finish. He burns the ends to make a connection. Steven Gibbs take two strands of enamel copper wire and nicks the middle then twists his wire into a double helix to create the Caduceus Wound Coil.


HDR Caduceus Coil Picture

Look at the picture below and see the HDR caduceus coil. The round doughnut shaped object is the caduceus coil built by Steven Gibbs.

caducues coil by Steven Gibbs inside a Hyper Dimensional Resonator
Interior view of Steven Gibbs Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR)

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