Why wait twenty years to find out what happens in 2027? With Astral Time Travel we can find out in twenty minutes. The future is here! With the telegraph, instead waiting days and weeks to get a letter via steamship, using a telegraph you could get a telegram at the speed of light. The only problem is that you need a telegraph and a telegraph operator.
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Just like the old teletype made message sending over long distances possible, so astral time travel allows you to get messages from future alternate timelines. Although the telegraph may seem crude it got the job done. We can thank the teletype for speeding things up.. |
In the future there are millions, maybe billions of timelines where different events take place. The important thing is to see our potential futures. What will soon happen. Up the road just a ways is a signpost called "The Future".
CarlosX has agreed to become a news reporter of future events using astral time travel and the hyper dimensional resonator. Listen to events unfold as we step into tomorrow and learn what lies ahead in our path. The future is waiting for you. |
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Get ready for news from the future.
Steven Gibbs (HDR) Hyper Dimensional Resonator is used to boost astral time travel and jump into the future.
This news report is from CarlosX live from the future on a date in 2008/2009.
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