Perhaps you could go back and tell people about freedom. However, they might not understand what you are talking about. Children might see their world as the only possible solution to an "inefficient" capitalist system with its strikes and protests.
The HDR tends to send people to a timelines similar to our own, but with a few differences. However, these changes would be many if Germany won.For one thing the billboards would be written in German. Most American factories would be closed down and the people sent to work in farms. Automobiles would be small like a VW bug or a bit bigger like a BMW sports car. Only a few rich party officials could afford a large luxury limo.
Clothes look max retro and women still wear dresses and behave in a more traditional fashion. The stay at home mom takes care of the children, while dad does jobs now done by illegal immigrants such as pick melons and sweep floors. Television is still a monochrome experience, except for a few party officials that can afford color. There is no internet and few people have phones. Old prewar houses are pretty, but most people live in "soviet style" block apartments. |
It appears that few people know what really happened and have little knowledge of past events except for the sanitized story told in civics class. Few are aware of what democracy is. They could never imagine an alternate time line like ours.
On the street you see signs telling you to inform on fellow citizens. Most of the people walking down the street have blond hair and light skin except for a few "Italians". People with dark skin were sent to "re-education" centers and never seen again. Most people no longer remember that they even existed as the old photos had them airbrushed out. Senior citizens rarely talk about the past. They do not want to disappear and never be heard from again. Those that still exist learned to keep quiet about how things were when they were young. Teens tend to spout party slogans and obey orders without question. It is not seen as cool to be a rebel. |
When we see our world, plase remember that things could be quite different.
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