Pay Phones Disappear

Pay Phone

The decline in pay phones is serious. A lot of poor people cannot afford cellular telephone service. Actually, they need to have a way t send messages. High speed internet is also quite expensive. Perhaps, we can make a low cost option available to individuals of limited income.

Governments are glad that public telephones are gone. They claim it was a device used to commit crimes. Also, that these electronic devices are being used for nefarious purposes.

Frankly, a lot of HDR users do need pay phones as our own devices interrupt incoming radio signals. In fact, one proven way to detect a magnetic vortex is to look for a place where your mobile device or cell says - no service. Radio signals will cut out when a vortex is open.

People often use a tri-field meter to detect a magnetic anomaly that they wish to use. Well, those meters are expensive. Still they are also used by ghost hunters looking for spooky places known for supplying a paranormal experience.

According to Steven Gibbs no fancy device is necessary. Just walk with your cell phone to a place where the signal cuts out and you no longer have a carrier. A small portable FM radio works the same. When you can no longer reach a local radio station, it is because you are over a vortex that is open. PAY PHONES still work in this area, However, the results are often quite eerie. For example, a magnetic compass can start spinning. This is because there is a magnetic anomaly in this region.

Steven Gibbs told me that you can often see a UFO in the immediate area. Well, we see a dependence on the so called smart phones as we move away from any copper wires.

My email is HDRerasemeKID[at] HOTerasemeMAIL [dot] com, all lower case, without the - erase me. Ask me any questions you have including questions about the HDR.