Price of gas is linked to the future price of oil. Currently, corn is used to produce ethanol and soybeans are used to produce soy biodiesel. This diversion of food to fuel is causing hardships to poor countries. So when the price of grains such as wheat, oats, and yes corn goes up we see a rise in the price of chicken, beef, pork, egg. and milk.
Gasoline prices are going up and up. It seems that there are now shortages in the filling station. I have a long line of cars ahead of me and tempers are getting short. Everyday the gas station runs out of fuel. We need to use grain to make more ethanol, but this causes corn prices to rise.
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To produce a dozen eggs a farmer must give his hens a lot of corn and soy. As these commodities increase so those the future price of eggs. We see a decline in the standard of living as gasoline prices go up because they to add to an increase in the price of food. In short, food becomes very expensive in the future. This is driven by an increase in the price of oil. Crop land is now used to grow fuel for cars and trucks. See the high prices are going to be even higher in the future. After we start to run out of oil we use grain for fuel. Soy biosiesel for trucks and corn ethanol for cars. We are turning our farmland into an oil substitute.
In Astral Time Travel we can see potentials futures and what might happen. As the price of fuel goes up so does that of food. Sugar has gone up due to its use as a product for making ethanol. This helps drive up the costs of a candy bar. I predict that we will see great increases in both food and fuel prices soon.
As more and more grain is diverted to produce fuel the price of food will also increase in relaton to the price of gaoline.
Steven Gibbs (HDR) Hyper Dimensional Resonator was used to boost astral time travel and jump into the etheric future.
See a video on the price of gasoline in the future.
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